Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Macarons, Marshmallows, and Meringues...Oh My!

Tomorrow I celebrate my 34th birthday!  I am not a cake person but I do love pretty things and I adore a macaron!  The other night I stumbled across this insanely fun and gorgeous Vanilla Bean Cake topped with Macarons, Marshmallows, and Meringues and my eyes nearly doubled in size!   I immediately sent this to Sweet Mama saying “you think you can whip this up for me on Thursday”?!  She rolled with laughter! You have to know that years ago I “tortured” mama with cake decorating classes and once we completed the two part series she swore she would NEVER bake or decorate another cake in her life!  I for one still hold what I learned near and dear, but hardly ever put my skills to the test! I am insistent that we recreate this cake one day.  Maybe for Baby G’s first birthday??

 Head over to  Fork to Belly and see how they made this gem for their first Blogiversary!


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  1. That is the best cake I've ever seen! Happy Birthday!!

  2. I know!!! I think you and I should give it a go! Thank you for the birthday wishes!! xoxo


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