This past Saturday our sweet little Baby G was showered with so much love! My two very best friends and our Mom's joined forces and hosted the most gorgeous and perfect shower.
These two are so excited to finally take on the title as Aunt Becs and Aunt Katie!
Being Aunt Tiff to their four little ones (Carley Grace, Bailey Grace, Raylee, and Judson) has been such an honor and a title I hold very dear.
These ladies know I am a gold and white fanatic so of course, they hit a home run in my book with the decor!
Not knowing the gender of your baby might be a hard thing for some, but for us Baby G is all we need to know. I also thought we would just skip all the monogrammed items until he or she arrives and has their "official name", but Baby G has really stuck! I am almost certain I will slip up and say this many times after our miracle arrives. Some of my favorite and most cherished gifts were those monogrammed with "Baby G"! This bunting brought tears to my eyes! There is a good chance you will find this hanging in the delivery room!
Another trend you might be picking up on, giraffes! I think it's safe to say that Baby G's nursery has a couple giraffes, elephants, monkeys, umm...actually, the list could go on! I have a HUGE love of animals and this is something I really hope to pass on to our child. Throughout the decorating process my mama has said to me "do you think it's too many animals"? I just laugh and say "No Way"!! Then tell her of the next one I want to add! haha
Speaking of Sweet Mama, can we please give her a round of applause for this gorgeous presentation!
Again, they know me, Baby G's gifts from GiGi, Pappy, and Uncle Brent came wrapped in perfection!

Some of my closest girlfriends!
I wish I could have snapped pics with all my girlfriends that came out to celebrate! are just a few people that are extremely excited to meet Baby G!
First time Grandmother, "GiGi"...Oh how she is already spoiling you little one!
If I am even HALF the mother she has been to Brent and me, I got this thing in the bag!
First time Grandfather, "Pappy"... all I can say is, if Baby G is a girl (like me) she will be smitten with her Pappy! But, if you are boy my little dear one, plan on LOTS of fishing trips! My Daddy, surely hung the moon! At the end of the shower he came strolling in to surprise us all and check out things! He's so precious!
The man who makes all my dreams come true! I absolutely cannot wait to see Scott as a father. He is everything I prayed for and more. Baby G and I are so very fortunate God chose you for us.
I am so thankful for such a perfect day and for friends and family who love us and our angel!
Counting our blessings and naming them one by one!
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