This past weekend was so much fun!
Scott has put in countless hours over the past month at work
and I could not be more proud of him and the work he does.
Needless to say, when you are on call almost completely around the clock
date nights are limited. So finally this past Friday my amazing husband said,
let's have date night. He actually was a proper gentleman and asked
me on Wednesday. I love that he keeps the romance alive.
We decided on dinner at Wolfgang Puck as we both had never been.
Dinner was amazing and I managed to snap this quick pic just before I
devoured this amazing Margarita pizza that I jazzed up with Pesto and BBQ
sauce. Don't judge and don't knock it until you try it!
Saturday, Scott and Daddy Gaither had a little father-son bonding and took
in a car expo in Charlotte and then went to the local cruise in.
I snapped this pic on their way out to the cruise in as Sweet Mama and I
hit the streets for more shopping! We have been having way too much fun lately!
Below is our precious little Baby G's latest ultrasound pics.
I wanted to display them proudly on our refrigerator for everyone to see.
Originally we had the long strip of film sideways (as it wouldn't fit) on the fridge
and I just couldn't handle Baby G being displayed in such a way! haha
So one of my many crafts this weekend was this little darling!

Isn't Baby G just the cutest!
Sunday Scott and I took in our last State Fair as a party of two!
We know that from now on a little one will be joining us!
We can't wait!
You all know my love of goats and this little fella posing so dashingly
kinda made my day!
Scott and I came across this gorgeous pottery that I am completely
obsessed with. The black/brown detail is actually horse hair.
Kinda amazing right?!
We finished up the weekend with DIY's around the house and
we broke out the Benjamin Moore 2016 Color of the Year and
made a little nursery magic!
Wishing you all a happy and POSITIVE week!
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